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KPU DKI Larang Kampanye di Masa Tenang
photo Reza Hapiz -

Jakarta KPU: No Campaign During Cooling-off Period

No campaign during cooling-off period, either from pair of candidates or their campaign team

Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) asked the all governor and vice governor candidates do not intensify campaign in 2017 Pilkada during cooling-off period, which falls on February 12-14, 2017.

"No campaign during cooling-off period, either from pair of candidates or their campaign team," expressed Sumarno, Head of Jakarta KPU, Tuesday (2/7).

Gubernatorial Election Logistics in Central Jakarta Distributed

Sumarsono also urges residents participate in creating a conducive atmosphere for the election.

"Thus voting can run smooth, safe, peace and democratic," he finished.

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